
Newsletter #6 : Olives, India and Oceania-EU Trade Deal


This month, we offer:

Will Spanish table olives puncture the CAP?

The US attack on subsidies for Spanish table olives calls into question the decoupling of aid and feeds the debate on a major reform of the CAP. Without allies, the European Union would make a strategic mistake in defending an indefensible doctrine by seizing the Dispute Settlement Body of the WTO.

Draft EU-Oceania Free Trade Agreements: Useless Negotiations

As negotiations between the EU and Oceania begin, the limits in terms of the development of animal production, the decline in exports to Europe and the rise of Asian imports are questioning the real interest of these countries. countries to obtain new tariff preferences vis-à-vis Europe. On the other hand, uncertainties as to the allocation of tariff quotas between the United Kingdom and the EU-27 and the economic difficulties of European animal industries should rather call on DG Trade to restrain.

India’s agricultural policies as seen by the OECD: a very questionable report

The OECD has just devoted itself, for the first time, to an in-depth study of Indian agricultural and food policies. This report was all the more expected as India challenges the rules of the WTO and has just announced the goal of doubling agricultural revenues by 2022. If the content describes the overall mechanisms and difficulties encountered By a policy that directly affects 600 million Indians, the recommendations are totally questionable because they directly affect the food security of a large part of the population.

European dairy futures markets: a fatal trust crisis?

Since the end of the milk quotas, the futures markets had many hopes. However, following the various failures of Euronext, it seems that the Leipzig market is in turn to fail. Our analysis of the activity of this futures market shows a sharp drop in activity as well as numerous dysfunctions. To get out of the rut, increasing transparency seems essential and a connection with real markets could perhaps help to remedy liquidity problems.

California farmers say ‘yes’ to better sharing the value of milk

California dairy farmers have recently adopted the federal policy of value-added sharing in most of the United States. This evolution will, according to the USDA, increase the price of milk collected by farmers, and serves as an example for the reorganization of European dairy sectors.

Read also: A budget without lessons learned by Laszlo Andor, former European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion


Have a nice read !

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