
Newsletter n ° 8: Crisis management, sugar policies, OP, UNCTAD and employment


This month, we offer:

Hearing of Jacques Carles in the European Parliament: “It is urgent to restore the management of market crises at the heart of the CAP”

During his hearing before the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee of the European Parliament on the 9th of October, Jacques Carles presented Agriculture Strategies’ proposals, in particular those on crisis management. If the Commission’s proposals to improve the economic organization of producers go in the right direction, the proposed budget is insufficient and, above all, nothing is proposed for crisis management. For Jacques Carles, the CMO regulation must be transformed into a crisis management regulation that includes all the intervention tools and a performance framework that will enable the Commission to be accountable for its action so as to to be more responsive and effective in its role as European sectoral regulator of agricultural markets.

The sugar policies in the world: Brazil and Russia

Following the first section devoted to the United States, we publish two summaries of the main measures for regulating the sugar market at work in Brazil and Russia. The world’s largest exporters of sugar, Brazilians have long used the ethanol industry as a control valve. A variable compulsory incorporation rate of ethanol in fuels enables them to adjust their sugar production to a certain extent. But, given its export status and competition from other exporters that do not have the same stabilizers, Brazil is facing a direct decline in international prices. This is not the case for Russia, which has developed an import substitution strategy that has enabled it to redevelop its production. Through variable taxes, it stabilizes its domestic market at an attractive level for producers.

What is a fruits and vegetables PO ?

Improving the organization of producers is more than ever at the heart of agricultural debates in France and Europe. In this article Karine Oswald-Poulet traces the origins and describes the functioning of the mode of regulation that have been at work in the fruit and vegetable sector for two decades. Producer organizations (POs) are mostly cooperatives. Through their partly subsidized Operational Program (OP), they manage marketing, in quantity and quality, in order to improve the market power of producers. The prospect of extending this logic to other sectors would be beneficial!

UNCTAD latest report highlights disappointments in free trade

The latest UNCTAD report on the state of the world economy paints a compelling picture of the hardships and challenges facing the global economy. Taking China repeatedly as an example for successful development policies, this report addresses in turn the dangers and opportunities of the digital economy, corporate mergers, the role of infrastructure and the current tariff escalation. After free trade and competition have been established as cardinal values ​​over the past three decades, UNCTAD is calling for a return to public intervention and more cooperation to renew multilateralism and meet the challenges of the 21st century.

Food, jobs, sustainability: what African agriculture needs to achieve

Finally, we offer the analysis of a report published by the Berlin Institute for Population and Development accompanied by a short paragraph in which we identify the talkingpoints. Focusing on the role of agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa’s economic development, this publication draws on an original approach combining demographics and comparison with development in the European Union to illustrate the need for policy development. in favor of rural and agricultural employment, as a response to contemporary migration issues.

Have a nice read !

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