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Editorial Newsletter Agriculture Strategies n°1

Agriculture Strategies is continuing Momagri’s action to renew agricultural expertise! As such, we suggest that you continue to receive the monthly newsletter containing the main works published on our new website This Newsletter is organized around 4 sections: Press Releases, France, Europe and World.

Press releases :

Agriculture Strategies: creation of a platform of committed expertise


Current events being what they are, a large part of this newsletter is dedicated to Europe and more particularly to the debate on the European budget for the 2021-2027 period. On the one hand, we welcome the ambition of the French government to give more flexibility and to limit the pre-lending of funds to the Member States, as these guidelines are essential to give the CAP budget the effectiveness and Community added-value required.

On the other hand, we are rather critical of the approach proposed by the Commission in budgetary matters, in a recent paper, in which the lack of interest in the single major integrated policy at the European level is obvious.

Finally, to get out of the logic of budgetary consumption, to make farmers more secure while they take risks to change towards more sustainable practices, to better prevent agricultural crises and to get the old continent out of cynicism and relaunch a new multilateralism, we explain why Europe must abandon the principle of decoupling.

France :

Following the French Food Summit, an agricultural law is in preparation, mainly to address the problem of added-value sharing within the sectors. The need is undeniable, so should we not also mobilize levers on the community level to fight against unfair trade practices and promote the economic organization of farmers?

The question of economic organization can also be found in the article “To put an end to the milk crisis”, as the concentration of the marketing of milk seems to be a necessary way to differentiate the price of milk according to the value for each processor, as is the case in the United States.


Finding the root causes of migration becomes even more important as population movements increase. Rather than putting back the CAP and migration in the budget debate, Europe should give itself the means to bring coherence to its action because today the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with Africa as well as the CAP continue to empty the countryside.

As the Moroccan agro-economist Fatima Ezzahra Mengoub shows, the investment needs in African agriculture are nevertheless enormous to express its potential and truly trigger an agriculture-based development strategy. As proof, the rate of coverage of agricultural exports by imports continues to deteriorate to reach only 77% in 2015 against 102% twenty years earlier.

Finally, with Sophia Murphy of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), one wonders about the future of the WTO following the (announced) failure of the ministerial of Buenos Aires. If the current bases of the negotiations are not the right ones, a renewal of multilateralism seems necessary. Sophia Murphy states four key principles to go in this direction.

Enjoy reading this first newsletter!

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