Agriculture Stratégies

Futures markets and income insurances are not substitutes for public regulations (2/3)
Agricultural policies in the world

Futures markets and income insurances are not substitutes for public regulations (2/3)

In the first article of this series, we demonstrated that the effectiveness of private risk management tools depended on the…
Application of the 2014 CAP: the renewed appeal of coupled support
Non classé

Application of the 2014 CAP: the renewed appeal of coupled support

The 2014 reform application choices related to voluntary coupled support demonstrate that this type of support, considered endangered for a…
The real reasons of the imbalance of dairy markets
Thoughts and opinions

The real reasons of the imbalance of dairy markets

The rising price of butter has become a burning issue. The evolving eating habits, tensions in international markets and the…
To what extent can agricultural land policies be euro-compatible?
Agricultural policy and economy

To what extent can agricultural land policies be euro-compatible?

Debates within the European Union on agricultural policies are less and less solely about the Common Agricultural Policy and increasingly…
Food security under the test of international trade chokepoints
Food security and development policies

Food security under the test of international trade chokepoints

The highly influential British think tank Chatham House––the Royal Institute of International Affairs––recently published a quite innovative paper on food…
Futures markets and income insurances are not substitutes for public regulations (1/3)
Agricultural policies in the world

Futures markets and income insurances are not substitutes for public regulations (1/3)

In a series of three articles, we are proposing additional insights on what is known as private risk management tools––futures…
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