CAP & Europe

The post-2020 CAP proposals: proposing the lowest common denominator while hoping for a quick agreement is a major strategic mistake that comes down to burying the CAP

While cuts are being announced, EU Commissioner Hogan has just presented his legislative proposals for the CAP 2020. Each member…

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CAP & Europe

Decrease in the EU27 CAP budget by almost 30% in twenty years: the gradual abandonment of the only integrated European policy

Made public on the 2nd of May, the European Commission's proposals for the multiannual financial perspective for CAP 2021/2027 are…

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CAP & Europe

For an in-depth reform of the CAP in a multilateral framework to renew

European agriculture needs an in-depth reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Having become ineffective both in the face of…

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CAP & Europe

European Court of Auditors severely criticizes the effectiveness of decoupled payment and greening

The European Court of Auditors has just published two reports1 that will certainly feed the debate on the next CAP.…

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CAP & Europe

The great caution of agricultural sectors’ action plans regarding mutual funds

At the request of President Macron, during Rungis’ speech on October 11, the organizations involved in the inter-branch organizations defined…

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CAP & Europe

CAP and Migration: what coherence for European policies ?

Heads of State and Government are meeting this Friday to address the thorny issue of the European Union’s financial perspectives,…

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Agricultural policy and economy

Agricultural bill: What if the solutions were on the European side?

While the Agriculture Fair opens its doors in a tense climate, a bill “for the balance of commercial relations in…

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CAP & Europe

Commission Communication on the Multiannual Financial Framework for the EU 2021-2027

Paris, 20 February 2018: The Commission Communication of 14 February 2018 on the Multiannual Financial Framework in the run-up to…

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CAP & Europe

The French Government lays the foundations for an EU budget reform that could be beneficial to the CAP!

A note from the government in the run-up to the negotiation of the multiannual financial framework of the European budget,…

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CAP & Europe

The agricultural component of the Omnibus : a reform that opens the door to the securitization of the agricultural crisis

Sometimes presented as a true reform half-way into the 2014-2020 CAP, the negotiation on the agricultural component of the Omnibus…

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